Good news is we’ll be open for a while longer yet - latest from Coventry Council is that vacant possession will be required ‘on or after 27/9/24’ - still not definitive but gives us a bit more time to look for a new home.

Meanwhile - pls support us - best way to do this is to sign up to the newsletter, and come along to our events!

We’re still open daily, with access to the public 12-4, including weekends.

Come and explore - there’s always something new to see!

Click here to view our upcoming EVENTS programme.

LTB (=Litten Tree Building) occupies previously disused space within the (now, ex-) pub, originally constructed in 1910 as prestigous Showrooms for Rover Cars - who had their large factory to the rear.

Listen to Alan Denyer talking all things LTB with ‘slow coach’ Andy Mort..

contact for further information;-

alan denyer (LTB) - 07976 897002

A visit to LTB Showrooms in the ex Litten Tree Pub building gives you an opportunity to explore a little known Coventry landmark.. discover the story of the premises’s varied occupations during the last 110 years - and see a wide variety of culture contributions from the local community in the form of photography, arts, film, sculpture, music, theatre & fashion. It’s all on display around the ‘self guided tour’ route we’ve set up - or featured in our ongoing programme of events.

We’ve even free wifi, so you can use the space as your base for homeworking or sit and hangout with friends. There’s lots of tables and comfy sofas, a small outdoor garden terrace - we sell coffee/cappuccino /hot choc during the day but we’re happy if you want to bring your own food & (non alcoholic) drink in.

We provide a characterful setting for the showcasing of local creativity to the visiting public; there’s no hire fee - it’s ‘pay what you can/what you feel’ (we’ll even consider freebie uses) - so talk to us if you’ve something you want to exhibit, or hold an event for.

And Heres some history..

Built in 1910, the building originally had an ornate edwardian frontage - but this DISAPPEARED frim view in 1955, wIth The addition of a new ‘Festival of Britain’ facade..

The premises originally served as a prestigious Warwick Row shopfront for the ROVER CO. LIMITED. The Rover ‘Meteor Works’ (demolished in the 1950s) occupied a large area to the rear - having originally been built in 1890 by J. K Starley to manufacture the hugely popular ‘Rover’ safety bicycle (the first ever design with same sized wheels, like the ones we ride today).

The ‘Rover Showrooms’ - as it was known - will have been primarily for the display of cars (manufactured on the Bull Yard site from 1904) - but also likely showcased their range of motorcycles, and the (ever- expanding) range of bicycles that remained in production until the 1920s.

Rover moved to a larger factory in 1934, but the car story continued here with SS CARS (re-named JAGUAR after 1941) taking over the showroom premises.

Following the outbreak of the Second World War, the building (with relatively bomb proof upper floors constructed using reinforced concrete beams - presumably to support the weight of cars on display) was requisitioned by Coventry Corporation to serve as a HQ for its executive officers, subsequently becoming one of three ‘Food Offices’ in the city where ration books were distributed.

The facelift itself was created by Coventry architects Hellberg-Harris (who also oversaw the Owen Owen build in 1952) - for FOULKES, a seller of fine bathrooms & fireplaces, later becoming a department store with various names (‘Curtis’s’, ‘Benleys’) - and more recently ‘INTERSHOP’.

Surrey Inns pub group purchased the building in the late 1990s to add to their ‘Litten Tree’ portfolio (there were 36 throughout the U.K.). The chain collapsed in 2003, and the pub closed - re-opening in 2011 under new independent ownership (they kept the name though).

Adverse trading conditions forced closure in Feb 23, however, with help from Coventry City Council the building has now re-opened as a community arts venue - with a lease granted until 30/3/24.

Re-development of the area is scheduled for early 2024 - with the creation of a new ‘City Centre South’ Residential Quarter.

Staffed by volunteers, and funded entirely by donations, LTB SHOWROOMS has been set up to engage new audiences in culture and promote grassroots interest / participation in arts & heritage. Since opening in Aug’21, LTB has helped more than 600 local people display their work, participate in workshops or run events - and during this time we’ve had over 10,000 visitors to the Showrooms.

LTB is the idea of ALAN DENYER, a local arts & heritage supporter, who believes Coventry needs spaces like this to encourage & promote creativity - he’s donated the time, money, expertise & materials to make the project happen. Alan is the owner of AWD RESTORATIONS, and has previously been involved in similar initiatives including ‘CETPOPUP’ a meanwhile use at what is now the Telegraph Hotel (in Coventry) - attracting almost 25,000 visits during its 12 months of opening - and the gifting of time/expertise/materials to effect a major makeover of EARLSDON CARNEGIE COMMUNITY LIBRARY, creating a new ‘Edwardian themed’ event space and reception area.